Have you ever felt this way? It’s a feeling that can follow a really good experience. More commonly, though, it’s when you’ve lost a piece of your heart that it gets your full attention. And in either case, there’s a very real sense in which it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. And especially where loss is concerned, it doesn’t have to mean a life sentence of unhappiness.
Change is the bedrock of human experience.
The truth is that everything is changing all the time. We change, the people around us change, and the environment changes. Continually. It’s just that we don’t notice until we experience a loss that causes us grief, however large or small.
There’s a trick to rolling with the punches.
Whatever happened to cause you to feel bad, you can learn how to adjust to it, to move on with your life, and to regain a sense of serenity, peace, and even joy. The first step – and it’s a doozie – is to accept the truth that life, as you knew it, is forever changed. It’s easier said than done but it is definitely possible.
Everyone has a moment of truth.
Whether we ever say it out loud to another person or just know it deep in our own heart, there comes a time when we recognize that the past is simply that: the past. And then it’s all about what we do with that knowledge.
I’ve had my own “hitting bottom” moment which I would like to share with you in the video below. As I explain, I knew there was only one thing possible for me to do: move forward.
Click below to watch. And then I’d love to hear your own thoughts. Feel free to post them below.
God scooped up the shards of my life and made a beautiful mosaic. I was on retreat. The vision was my life in shards. I said out to him, “see. shards!!! you can’t even glue shards!!! and ever so slowly and gently he scooped and slid the shards into a beautiful mosaic and made my life something beautiful~it was a promise for the future. I just served divorce papers on my husband for the 2nd time. He received them today. This time I had the lawyer amend them to include his perverse, immoral, cruel and inhuman treatment against me and the parental alienation he has caused between me and my kids the last 3 yrs.. Yesterday a friend returned from Peru and gave me a mosaic leaf pendant that I wore today when I decided to serve papers before court date to facilitate a speedy resolve. Funny how God always gives what you need when you need it. The vision of the mosaic was 4 long yrs ago. Don’t give up before the miracle happens. p.s. my kids are coming home soon, bet your bottom $.
Your faith in the process and your dedication to doing your own inner work in support of it are inspiring, Linda. 🙂
What happens when you can let go but the closest person to you cannot?
Overall, everyone’s journey is unique. I’m wondering whether your question is about how to relate to your closest person’s process?