“Jo Werther is terrific. Her podcast was my rock when my husband died. I had other resources for help, but it was Jo who made sense of our suffering and showed me a path forward. Jo, your help has been priceless and life-changing. Please know how much you are appreciated! And thanks for your fine work.”
Betty-Jo Gilmore
“Jo’s passion for teaching and her natural ability to connect with others made her a pleasure to work with. She skillfully engages the learner and her energy is infectious!”
Linda B.
“I’m not new to personal growth work, and I have to say that The New Plan A is different enough from other things I’ve tried in ways that are making all the difference for me. Jo Werther is smart and compassionate. I can tell that she really cares about helping me achieve the progress I came here to make. Well-worth the investment.”
Kiki (Karin) Lockwood
“I was part of a group of staff members from Islesboro Central School who enjoyed and benefited from two presentations that Jo Werther gave – one on the topic of mindfulness and the other on grief and loss. Jo combined insightful points, thought-provoking quotes and images, sample practices, and humor to produce an engaging and transformative experience for participants. Jo’s expertise as a skilled clinician was evident during both presentations and she created a safe space for participants to share their thoughts and experiences. I hope we can bring Jo back again to work with ICS staff in support of our health and well-being.”
Anne R.
“I am midway through Jo Werther’s transformational course and am already coping more successfully with the stressful situations in my life. I feel completely supported by Jo. She is an excellent teacher and brings a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and sensitivity to her teaching. My life is changing for the better in the ways I have needed most.Thank you, Jo.”
Doug Foresta, LICSW
”I’ve had the opportunity to work with many therapists and coaches, and Jo Werther definitely stands out for me. She has an amazing gift for helping guide people who have been through loss and grief into healing and light. Jo is someone who has walked the path and has the skill, wisdom and insight to lead you into a brighter future.”
Eileen W.
“And they say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! I continually experience growth in myself as I use the tools of The New Plan A. It seems I am moving towards what I want with a more supportive foundation. I feel more serene on a daily basis. Jo’s perspective and wisdom is vast, I love that! Jo and The New Plan A have made a big difference in my life!”
Rev. Dr. Tim Leconey
“Jo Werther came to speak at our church. She led the Children’s Time of the service and talked to the children at their level, in an accessible and gentle way, about a technique that they could use to help them deal with stress in their lives. Then she spoke with the adults during the sermon time about how to recover from emotional and/or spiritual loss. Jo spoke in a down-to-earth style, using humor and stories to convey helpful strategies. Jo was an engaging speaker to people of all ages and also was available after the service to speak with people. She has a warm, friendly style and uses her experiences to meet people where they are and help them to envision new possibilities for the future. I whole-heartedly recommend Jo as a speaker.”
Kimberly Dean, MD
“You have a soothing, healing, and hypnotic voice. I will recommend your podcasts to my patients.”
“I knew I tended to beat myself up, but I had no idea how awful I was to myself, and I don’t want to live like that anymore! I am so thankful for the day I was scrolling through Facebook, found Jo, and decided to go for it…”
Patricia Oh, Program Manager
“Jo Werther made it simple. We needed someone to inspire lifelong community leaders to think of new ways to encourage residents to make social connections during a time when in-person isn’t possible. Jo had great suggestions and provided examples of meaningful engagement. People left the call energized and with new ideas to inspire their work.”
Roderick Forsman
“My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed your talk yesterday at our UU Fellowship of the Eastern Slopes. It was so clear that you have a good understanding of stress, its negative effects on our daily lives, and how we can better manage its reduction in straightforward ways. My wife has been practicing your technique of “balloon breathing” ever since. She ranks it with her Tai Chi as a method for relaxation meditation.
As chair of the Sunday Service Committee, I am on the receiving end of evaluative commentary about the guest speakers the SSC lines up. Inevitably, sometimes that commentary is negative. I’ve received very positive emails from others who heard you Sunday, and two of them have urged me to invite you back. So, kudos to you Jo for sharing with us an informative, well-presented summary of your wealth of knowledge about stress and stress management. And, many thanks.”
College Graduate
“Before we fully go separate ways, I just wanted to let you know that I am forever thankful for your help. I feel like you really pushed me to help myself in a time when I felt helpless and out of control. I sincerely feel like I have no clue if I would have been ready for this next step in my life without your guidance. Thank you! “
Name Withheld by Request
“I admire & endorse your beautiful life mission and purpose. Your words ring true at the deepest level of my being & knowing. I am grateful.”
Dora Lievow, Co-Founder
“Jo Werther offers restorative justice for the soul, helping people forgive themselves and others for what can’t be changed and offering change-making strategies for what can.”
International College Student
“I’ve been thinking about our conversations, especially with regard to boundaries and co-dependency, as the pandemic continues to loom. I can say with certainty that our time together equipped me to experience less anxiety/guilt and more sureness in my decision to stay in place. I am left without sufficient words to thank you for helping instill a better sense of resoluteness and steadiness in me.”